The Armenian Communities Department of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation launched the second phase of the Calouste Gulbenkian Translation Series at the end of 2023. This new phase of the project will continue to make seminal texts in the humanities and the social sciences available through Armenian translations.
Out of the 72 initially suggested titles, ten books were chosen by the project’s advisory committee and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation through a rigorous selection process. The long list of books was compiled based on the suggestions of the members of the project’s advisory committee, the translators, editors and publishers of the first phase, as well as lecturers and deans of relevant faculties of universities in Armenia. The Foundation confirmed the committee’s recommendation and is currently allocating the necessary resources to start the translation of the books.
The titles to be translated are:
- Benedict Anderson, “Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism”;
- John Rawls, “A Theory of Justice”;
- Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, “A Critique of Postcolonial Reason: Toward a History of the Vanishing Present”;
- Lawrence Venuti, “The Translator’s Invisibility: A History of Translation”;
- Jacques Le Goff, “La civilisation de l’Occident médiéval”;
- Ludwig Wittgenstein, “Logisch-Philosophische Abhandlung / Philosophische Untersuchungen”;
- Carlo Ginzburg, “Il formaggio e i vermi”;
- William James, “Pragmatism”;
- Terry Eagleton, “Marxism and Literary Criticism”;
- Edgar Wind, “Art and Anarchy.”
The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and ARI Literature Foundation, the coordinator of the project in Armenia, are launching two open calls for translators and publishers.
The terms of the call for translators are as follows:
- Submissions can be for Eastern or Western Armenian;
- All translations must be from the original languages;
- Each translator can only apply to translate one title.
The following documents must be submitted with the application:
- A cover letter outlining the reasons and qualifications to translate the selected title;
- A CV including the list of previous translations;
- A translated excerpt from the selected book (5 to 7 pages).
The terms of the call for publishers are as follows:
- Publishers can apply to publish more than one title;
- Publishers must be able to cover, at least partially, printing and promotional costs.
The following documents must be submitted with the application:
- A letter explaining the reasons behind the selection of the title(s) wishing to publish;
- A distribution and promotion strategy/plan for the selected book(s).
Interested translators and publishers should send their applications to For additional questions, call +374 99 05 11 12.
The deadline for submitting both applications is 1 March.