Dr. Razmig Shirinian, a professor of Political Science at the College of the Canyons, speaks on Horizon TV about an upcoming discussion on Armenian gender issues being organized by the Armenian Revolutionary Federation on Wednesday, December 8th at the Hollywood Armenian Center (1559 N. Kenmore Ave. Los Angeles).
The 3rd annual “Armenian’s and Progressive Politics” will feature a critical discussion on gender equality, civil society, and women’s empowerment in Armenia and will be lead by Socialist International Vice President maria Titizian and Armenian Parliamentarian Lilit Galstyan.
The conference takes place in the midst of growing international attention on domestic violence in Armenia following the brutal murder of Zaruhi Pertrosyan. This case has spotlighted the need for gender equality and women’s empowerment in Armenia, and internationally.
In his interview, Shirinian discusses the vision behind “Armenians and Progressive Politics” and underscores its purpose as a vehicle to critically examine subjects pertinent to Armenians’ political, social and economic situation within a global context.
In the past three years, the APP has served as an alternative means of understanding Armenian issues besides the conventional, state-centered approaches. Bringing together distinguished academics and activists from across the globe, it has examined how Armenian activists can build coalitions with other dispossessed groups and progressive movements. Past conference themes have included: Social Justice, Labor Justice, Media Democracy, and Economic Justice.
Those policies can be easily manipulated to serve the interests of lawyers and judges at the expense of fathers, their children and their families. Armenia should not blindly emulate its American counterpart.
Women’s rights have devastated America. Two out of three marriages end up in divorce because judges promise women and assure them that they will get all of the children and all of the assets of the family and their husbands will be thrown out of the family house to become homeless and perish in the streets.