ANCA Welcomes Bipartisan Call for Sanctions, Enforcement of U.S. Laws, and the Release of Armenian Hostages
WASHINGTON – The Armenian National Committee of America welcomed a bipartisan Congressional letter led by Armenian Caucus Co-Chairs urging newly confirmed Secretary of State Marco Rubio to take immediate and decisive action to hold Azerbaijan accountable for its war crimes, secure the release of Armenian prisoners of war and political detainees, and support the right of Artsakh’s forcibly displaced Armenians to return to their homeland.
“For too long, Azerbaijan has acted with impunity – blockading Artsakh, committing genocide against its people, occupying sovereign Armenian territory, and illegally imprisoning Artsakh leaders and POWs,” said ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian.
“The United States cannot turn a blind eye to these crimes. Secretary Rubio has an opportunity to reverse this dangerous pattern by fully enforcing Section 907, applying targeted Magnitsky sanctions, and championing the protected return of Artsakh’s Armenians to their rightful homeland,” he added.
Congressional Leaders Demand Enforcement of U.S. Sanctions and a Just Peace
The February 6 Congressional Armenian Caucus letter, signed by its chairs Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ), Rep. Gus Bilirakis (R-FL), Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA), and Rep. David Valadao (R-CA), underscores the urgency of securing the immediate and unconditional release of all Armenian POWs and political prisoners currently held by Azerbaijan, including Artsakh’s wrongfully detained political leaders. The letter calls on the State Department to prioritize their safe return, stating:
“A final agreement must also secure the release of all POWs and hostages, including Nagorno-Karabakh’s political leaders—who are unjustly detained in Azerbaijan—and safeguard ancient Armenian cultural sites in Nagorno-Karabakh and elsewhere in the region that are under immediate threat.”
In addition to demanding the release of captives, the letter calls for imposing Global Magnitsky sanctions on Azerbaijani officials responsible for torturing and executing Armenian prisoners of war and civilians, orchestrating the genocidal ethnic cleansing of Artsakh, and destroying Armenian cultural and religious sites.
The lawmakers assert, “A durable and dignified peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan
requires strict accountability and must be founded upon the collected and protected return of Armenians to their indigenous Nagorno-Karabakh homeland.”
Ending U.S. Military Assistance to Azerbaijan and Strengthening Armenia’s Security
The lawmakers also stress the importance of fully enforcing Section 907 of the FREEDOM Support Act, which prohibits U.S. military assistance to Azerbaijan while it continues acts of aggression against Armenia and Artsakh. They state unequivocally:
“The United States must hold Azerbaijan accountable for its war crimes and ethnic cleansing of Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh)—via enforcement of Section 907 of the FREEDOM Support Act, the application of Global Magnitsky sanctions, and the denial of EXIM Bank financing of dual-use sales to Azerbaijan.”
Beyond stopping aid to Azerbaijan, the letter urges the Trump Administration to support Armenia’s security by providing anti-aircraft and anti-drone systems, enabling Armenia to protect its sovereign borders from continued Azerbaijani aggression.
Backing Armenia’s Economic Resilience and Energy Independence
The letter highlights the January 15, 2025, U.S.-Armenia Strategic Partnership Agreement as a key step toward strengthening bilateral ties. Congressional leaders call on Secretary Rubio to expand economic support for Armenia and accelerate negotiations on a civil nuclear cooperation agreement, which will help reduce Armenia’s dependence on Russian energy and unlock further American investments in Armenia’s economic future. They explain:
“Investing in this transition will allow Armenia to fulfill its goal of diversifying its energy production and pivoting away from Russian energy and trade dependence. Specifically, we ask the State Department to accelerate negotiations already underway on a civil nuclear cooperation agreement, or a 123 Agreement, which will provide Armenia with a strong platform for enhanced energy cooperation with our country.”
Text of the Congressional Armenian Caucus Letter to Secretary of State Rubio
February 6, 2025
The Honorable Marco Rubio Secretary of State
U.S. Department of State
2201 C Street, NW
Washington, DC 20520
Dear Secretary Rubio,
We write to offer congratulations on your recent confirmation and share a list of bipartisan priorities for the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues that we hope to collaborate on during the 119th Congress.
One of our main requests is that the United States continue to build off the strategic partnership agreement signed with Armenia on January 15, 2025. That agreement reflects the efforts made by a broad bipartisan coalition of Members of Congress who have cultivated this important bilateral relationship across several Administrations. It demonstrates the growth and significant reforms the Armenian government has made since the Velvet Revolution in 2018. It also shows the promise the nation has as a reliable American partner in the South Caucasus. Most importantly, the strategic partnership opens the door for closer bilateral ties between our countries, unlocks further American investments in the economic future of Armenia, and creates an overall stronger bond between our people.
Armenia faces many geographic and political challenges as a landlocked country blockaded by Turkey and Azerbaijan. These obstacles have long hindered its economic potential. The United States has an incredible opportunity to shape the future of the region by advancing Armenia’s energy security and economic resilience aligned with its “Crossroads of Peace” vision for sustainable peace. Investing in this transition will allow Armenia to fulfill its goal of diversifying its energy production and pivoting away from Russian energy and trade dependence. Specifically, we ask the State Department to accelerate negotiations already underway on a civil nuclear cooperation agreement, or a 123 Agreement, which will provide Armenia with a strong platform for enhanced energy cooperation with our country. Moving ahead with such an agreement in an expeditious timeframe will translate to substantial American trade and business prospects in the region, while providing Armenia with independent, secure energy for the future.
We also request the State Department build on our current defense engagements with Armenia, which include the bilateral peacekeeping exercise Eagle Partner and support from State’s Export Control and Border Security program and U.S. Customs and Border Protection to develop Armenia’s border security capabilities. We ask you to fully consider the Armenian government’s outstanding request for purely defensive equipment and training to protect its territorial integrity, including anti-aircraft and anti-drone equipment. Providing our partner with the capabilities to guard its borders is critical at a time when it faces continued threats by Azerbaijani troops stationed in its sovereign territory and violent rhetoric from President Ilham Aliyev.
We urge the United States to hold Azerbaijan accountable for its war crimes and ethnic-cleansing of Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh) – via enforcement of Section 907 of the FREEDOM Support Act, the application of Global Magnitsky sanctions, and the denial of EXIM Bank financing of dual-use sales to Azerbaijan. A durable and dignified peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan requires strict accountability and must be founded upon the collected and protected return of Armenians to their indigenous Nagorno-Karabakh homeland.
To that end, we urge the State Department to remain comprehensively engaged in the peace process and help secure guarantees for the territorial integrity of Armenia, bring an end to the forced blockade by Turkey and Azerbaijan, and facilitate better trade and transportation links in the region. A final agreement must also secure the release of all POWs and hostages, including Nagorno-Karabakh’s political leaders – who are unjustly detained in Azerbaijan – and safeguard ancient Armenian cultural sites in Nagorno-Karabakh and elsewhere in the region that are under immediate threat.
Finally, we draw your attention to the challenges facing the Armenian community in Syria and more widely in the region. Armenians and Orthodox Christians have a long and rich heritage in the region tracing back millennia, which is increasingly being challenged on several fronts.
Thank you for your attention to these important matters. We appreciate your long track record of supporting peace and prosperity in the South Caucasus and the attention you have given to bolstering the Republic of Armenia’s ongoing democratic and economic reforms throughout your career. A lasting, equitable peace in the Caucasus is critical to the United States’s strategic long- term interests in the region. And there is a once-in-a-generation chance to bring peace and prosperity to a region that has seen far too much instability and bloodshed over the last several decades.
We stand ready to work with you to craft a policy in the South Caucasus region that is consistent with U.S. national security, universal principles of human rights, and our democratic values. Our hope is to further discuss these issues with you and your team at the earliest convenience.
Member of Congress
Member of Congress
Member of Congress
Member of Congress