Yerevan—Israeli writer Yair Auron and ex-parliamentarian Yair Tzaban have arrived in Armenia at the invitation of the Union of Writers of Armenia. In his book titled Banality of Indifference, the Israeli historian speaks about the Armenian Genocide for the first time in the history of Israel. The book says the Genocide of the Armenians was the prelude to the Holocaust. Genocide studies expert Auron expresses his dismay at the behavior of the Israeli authorities. According to him, it is not acceptable to speak about one’s own tragedy and forget the similar pain of other nations. Zori Balayan has written the introduction to the book. The Armenian publication of the book has been released thanks to Moscow-based businessman Karen Baghdasaryan.
“By failing to recognize the genocides inflicted on other nations, we demean the Holocaust. We are obliged to respect the memories of other peoples and must discuss the Armenian Genocide on the parliamentary level,” Yair Auron told a press conference in Yerevan.
Using archived materials, the author of the book analyzes the attitudes of the Jewish community of Palestine and the leaders of the Zionist movement towards the Armenian Genocide at the turn of the last century.
“With this book I expressed my protest against the official stance of Israel, which is unacceptable,” the author said.
Auron said, however, that there have been changes in Israeli diplomacy. “The Israeli Knesset has been discussing the Armenian Genocide issue for the eighth year in a row, and this is a great achievement, as the issue had never been put on the agenda before,” he added.
The historian said the behavior of the Israeli government is immoral. “Israel has no right to deny the Armenian Genocide because of its past,” Auron said.
Ex-member of the Knesset, Yair Tzaban, underlined, in turn, that Israel does not recognize the Armenian Genocide because of diplomatic considerations regarding Turkey; considerations which are in pursuit of military and economic interests.
“For twenty-four years now I have been struggling for the recognition of the Armenian Genocide. I was the first minister to visit the Armenian Patriarchate in Jerusalem and participate in the events dedicated to the Armenian Genocide,” Yair Tzaban said.
Only talking but no action taken.
We always enjoy hearing the platitudinous film flam of as to why it does not get recognized, it is like an old musical record which gets scratched every time it is played. Is not odd that we always seem to get the same repetitionists who for twenty or thirty years have been campaigning for recognition, where are the new campaigners to keep us hoping and busy for another twenty years ? . We have been investing enormous sums of money to promote these campaigners, and we will keep doing so, but it is not bearing the desired fruits. At the last hurdle, like the sarkozi circus, it gets trammeled away or motion derailed. One wonders when will they tire of propelling forward the same lame excuses of not hurting turkeys feelings ? . Puerile and banal excuses executed by professional filibusters and inveterate negationists, of which they are legions in the USA and elsewhere. It is fitting to remind ourselves that no Muslim state or nation has bothered to officially recognize the genocide. They all pay lip services, like the USA and others. In our present geopolitical condition neither the USA nor the EU, nor Israel will acknowledge it. These entities are in opposition to Russia and Iran, therefore they are in opposition to Armenia because of her balanced political relations with those states. Even if Armenia were to fall into the USA-EU fold recognition will not be forthcoming since Turkey is an extension, political,pawn,cohort etc, of these forces. We have to keep on with the struggle for as long as we exist and survive, we are surrounded by proxy genocidists blocs which for commercial and political reasons are an integral part of the hegemony of powers vying to take control of our region.