The Glendale City Council on Friday voted unanimously to install former city councimember and mayor Frank Quintero to fill the vacancy left when Zareh Sinanyan resigned his seat to become Armenia’s High Commissioner of Diaspora Affairs.
Quintero, who was first elected to the council in 2001, was one of 45 individuals who applied for the seat in a process that was approved by the council. Quintero’s name to fill the vacancy began circulating in various local circles almost immediately after Sinanyan tendered his resignation on June 7.
The City Council members had stated that they did not wish to give a potential candidate for the 2020 March election the leg up, however they stopped short of completely disqualifying those considering a run for the March elections.
In his concluding remarks before nominating Quintero, Mayor Ara Najarian echoed those sentiments and added that he believed the person who would be appointed until the next election “should not be beholden” to any interests in the city, citing the Armenian American Museum as an example.
The Armenian National Committee of America Glendale chapter had urged citizens to attend Tuesday’s Council session and impress upon the councilmembers that the vacancy should be filled by voters.
“I look forward to working with Frank Quintero to preserve the high quality of life enjoyed by Glendale residents,” said Mayor Najarian. “His extensive professional experience will be a great asset to our community.”
The Glendale City Council opted to fill the vacancy through an appointment rather than hold a special election, which sources say could cost taxpayers upward of a million dollars. The city council opened an application process, emphasizing that the only qualification for the vacant position was being a registered voter and a resident of the City of Glendale.
Way to go with the legacy appointment, and here I thought we would get so see a new younger face in the counsel. We just got the same old recycled vulture. 45 candidates and no one was as qualified as this fossil?