JERUSALEM, YEREVAN—The Israeli Defense Ministry said it is investigating allegations that Azerbaijan asked an Israeli defense firm to carry out live demonstrations of a suicide drone system, which it sold to Azerbaijan, on Artsakh targets.
The Israeli daily Maariv on Sunday reported that Aeronautics Defense System, which manufactures the drone, sent a team to Azerbaijan to finalize a sale of its Orbiter 1K unarmed aircraft. The Israeli team was asked by the Azerbaijani army to test the drones, armed with explosives, on a military position in Artsakh.
Maariv, which reported about the complaint, added that Aeronautics Defense System strongly denied that its staff carried out the alleged test saying the company “never carries out demonstrations [of the operations of the drone] on live targets, and that was true in this case as well.”
The existence of the complaint was reported Sunday by the Israeli daily paper Maariv. For its part however, Aeronautics Defense Systems strongly denied that its staff carried out such a mission, saying that it was carried out by the purchaser of the aircraft.
According to Maariv, however, the two Israeli drone operators refused to hit the Artsakh target, and after firmly refusing and being threatened by Azerbaijanis, senior representatives of the company armed and operated the drone, which is said to have missed its target without causing damage.
The complaint, however, states that one of them hit about 330 feet from the intended target.
The complaint against the company was filed with the ministry’s Defense Export Controls Agency, which oversees the activities of the country’s defense contractors. The defense ministry said, “As a rule,” it does not “make it a practice to comment on issues involving military exports. The claim is being examined by the relevant parties at the ministry.”
“Aeronautics markets its products to customers in about 50 different countries,[and] only in accordance with approval from the Defense Export Controls Agency. The operational action was carried out by the purchaser alone and on its responsibility. Aeronautics has never carried out demonstrations on live targets, and that was true in this case as well,” said a statement from Aeronautics Defense System.
Official Baku has boasted it reported purchase of $5 billion in arms from Israel, which were used on Artsakh targets during the April 2016 war, when a Harop aircraft, manufactured by the Israel Aerospace Industries, hit a bus and killed seven Armenians on board.
The Artsakh Army said that Azerbaijan used a suicide drone to attack its positions in northeastern Artsakh as recently as July 7. According to Colonel Armen Gyozalian of the Artsakh Army, two soldiers were injured during that attack, but no hardware was damaged.
Armenia’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Tigran Balayan told Armenpress that the ministry is monitoring the reports about the drone testing.
“We are aware of those issues and are following them. Processes are underway. We carefully follow all developments related to Artsakh’s security,” said Balayan.
The spokesperson said that Armenia has a clear position on arms sales to Azerbaijan by any country and that stance has not changed.
Armenia’s Honorary Consul to Israel, Tsolag Moumjian, told Azatutyun.am that he, as well as Armenia’s foreign ministry are carefully following the developments since Sunday’s publication of the report, adding that the Armenian community in Israel was also extremely interested in the matter.
Hagop Sevan, the chairman of the Armenian National Committee of Jerusalem, called the allegation of the testing the drones on live targets “criminal”
“They [Israeli officials] have conduct an internal investigation and make decisions. For Israel to carry out such tests of its military hardware is nothing but criminal,” said Sevan adding that the ANC of Jerusalem has filed numerous complaints since the 2016 April war urging Israel to withraw its military experts from Azerbaijan.
Sevan said that this did not amount to Israel’s overt involvement in the war, but what has happened is a “hostile act” toward Armenia.
This is what the criminal Zionist government in Israel does with hard-earned American tax-payer dollars. They rob the Americans and their treasury for $3,000,000,000 annually in the name of “victimhood” but use that money instead to manufacture lethal weapons to sell to states in conflict around the world to profit from their public’s deaths and miseries.
Why doesn’t the Armenian government bring up the Israeli government’s criminal activities in the UN to hold their leaders responsible for such activities and expose their hypocrisy? These very same criminal Israeli leaders are the ones who never shut up and never miss the opportunity to attack and label anyone as anti-Semite for as much as questioning their criminal behaviors in the region. We need to hit back and hit back hard.
I wonder what these criminal Israeli leaders would say if Armenians provided their arch-enemies with new lethal technologies meant to kill their people and sold them weapons of mass destruction?
Not to forget the gag rule on financial system to strangulate American and world economies, the source of all evil.
for their sake -israels-lets hope they realize they do ntot want to earn more enemies- they are selling their mothers underwear and they will get it back all soiled-
Israel and it HoloHox are now at the front of Armenians globally, watch and see how we will begin to spread the truth about about the apartheid state of Israel and its tentacles that reach into every European government & USA
Enough being timid, time is to begin our fight against them in every corner of the world with accurate & credible information about their fabricated Holocaust and our nations continued finacial support for the illegal state of israel
Dear Serop,
You immediately lose credibility when you say “fabricated holocaust” which is a well known historical fact, documented just like the Armenian Genocide.
It hurts when Armenian Genocide is denied by those that try to manipulate or rewrite the history. So, please do not do that.
$37 Billion in 10 years our hardly earned tax payers money to Israhel for nothing, to buy lobbyists in US.
All gloves are off, soon Hezzbollah will purchase sophisticated arms from Russia & Armenia via our Lebanese friends, and see how long Israel will take to moan & complain about it
Our Dear Two faced Israel, Don,t forget you started it
There is no proof that Israeli government sold anything to Azerbaijan. The drones were sold by an Israeli private corporation, not the government, get it?
Also, if you read the article, you should have picked up the fact that the technicians were forced to test it on human targets. You would have also noticed, had you read the article with an open mind and not blindfolded by hate, that the test did not hit the target and fell over 330 feet away.
So, ask yourself a question? Why did ng they hit the target?Is it possible they were directed and forced to test and intentionally missed it?
Just sayin,
Drones fly over arsakh shoot it down .we have the capabilities .
Criminal Israel, the scum bag of the world, yet to recognize the Armenian Genocide.
Guys, please don’t get too emotional and think with cool head. Why do you think Israel must care about Armenia’s people when her own leaders don’t do that? As to $3 billion annual foreign help from American treasury to Israel: they do it because they are able to do it. If you think it’s within your powers then do it too but then comes the second question: how Armenia’s always hungry leaders would use those funds? To make Armenia and NKR powerful with those funds or the way we all know of???
Israeli population and their scholars do recognize the Armenian Genocide and they also do criticize their government for not doing it. We all know the reason is political and complex. However, it is changing and may happen sooner than you think.
Elements of Being an ACCOMPLICE of EVIL. Criminal DARTH VADER government of israel.