The Western Armenia Committee of the Crescenta Valley Meher & Satig Der Ohanessian Youth Center has organized a Zoom & Facebook presentation on the “Artsakh War and ANCA Political Activities in Washington DC”, presented by Aram Hamparian. The presentation will take place on Wednesday, October 14, and is set to begin at 7:30 p.m. Pacific Time.
The current ongoing aggression in Armenia and Artsakh by Azerbaijan and Turkey and by mercenary forces is a humanitarian, geopolitical, and existential crisis for Armenia. The Armenian National Committee of America has been quickly and effectively communicating with US elected officials and media outlets, in order to advocate for Armenia. Aram Hamparian will discuss the political action of the ANCA and will answer questions.
Aram Suren Hamparian is an American American activist who is the Executive Director of American National Committee of America. Hamparian serves as the organization’s national point-person with the Administration, United States Congress, the media, and the Washington foreign policy community. In cooperation with Eastern and Western U.S. regional offices, more than 60 local chapters, dozens of coalition partners, hundreds of community affiliates, and thousands of grassroots activists, he works on a broad range of legislative, policy, research, political, campaign, media, coalition, and community-related concerns. Hamparian has testified before Congress, lectured at the National Defense University, the Foreign Service Institute, and USAID, been quoted by the The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Associated Press, Reuters, and has appeared on CNN.
The CV Youth Center is inviting community to join the scheduled Zoom meeting (Meeting ID: 857 6536 9149; Passcode: Artsakh). The event will be livestreamed on multiple platforms including the Asbarez News Facebook page.
It would be serious if you were surprised if you put a nation standing a nation through indescribable suffering to offer us this first republic also sold by the Armenian Bolsheviks to this Russia under the guise of fraternal Sovietization between the peoples. These Russians then sold us to the Turks, land and people with. Do you see any difference with what is happening today? US Russian France – MINSK equal Lausanne . All lie before the pursuit and completion of the Genocide this time Turkish and associated azeris. Then? We all know that the strength of nations takes precedence over all rights, history is written by the victors.
it would be serious if you were surprised if you stood a nation in the face of indescribable suffering to offer us this first republic, also sold by the Armenian Bolsheviks, to this Russia under the guise of fraternal Sovietization between the peoples. These Russians sold us Turkish people, land and people with. Do you see any difference with what’s going on today? US Russian France – MINSK equal Lausanne . All lie before the pursuit and the completion of the Genocide this Turkish and Azeris. Then? We all know that the strength of nations takes precedence over all rights.
In the same way that Turkey used the Kurd to realize the Genocide 1915 the Azerie people and their mothers will understand that they are instrumentalized to serve not only the Aliyev family but the pan-Turkist aims of the sultan and his family … and the Minsk group hides behind neutrality when the Armenian people are attacked, meanwhile Europe, the UN, NATO, the OSCE … will deliberer after thinking. Hello the rest and the final of the genocide, but I am certain that the Armenian people with their diaspora will overcome this new fascist barbarism turko-azerie