To the Editor:
In recent years the Azeris have intensified their efforts by publishing propaganda books which fakes the history of the Caucasus region. One such book is “Les Monuments d’Azerbaijan Ouest” The Monuments of Western Azerbaijan by Aziz Alakbarli. By Western Azerbaijan the author means historical Armenia; by Eastern Azerbaijan they mean the present Republic Of Azerbaijan.
Rouben Galichian in his recent new book The Invention Of History writes about the above Aziz’s book, which has four more academicians as editors, saying:
“The map on page 7 of the book is that of the Republic of Armenia whose caption reads ‘the map of western Azerbaijan [actually Republic of Armenia] the homeland of the ancient Oguz Turks.’ The authors claim that in ancient times the territory occupied by present day Armenia was in fact Azerbaijan, a country [The Republic of Azerbaijan] invented as late as in 1918. Furthermore, the above mentioned supposed academicians pretend not to know that Oguz Turks were from Central Asia and the Altai regions, who migrated to Asia Minor via Iran and the Northern Caspian territories during the middle ages.. The academic fabrication and sham extend as far as claiming that the ancient monuments, including the Hellenic temples, Urartian fortresses, Christian churches, monasteries and cemeteries, with a few exceptions, belong to the Turkic tribes…the book depicts photos and short descriptions of various historic monuments found in Armenia, claiming them to be mainly Azeri. These include the prehistoric stone monoliths of Zoratz Karer (Karahunj, which can be translated as Stonehenge), the Urartian fortresses of Erebouni and Taishebani, various rock paintings, the Hellenic temple of Garni, the Armenian monasteries of Tatev, Goshavanq, Haghardzin, Echmiadzin, Haghpat, Sanahin as well as the churches of Yereruk, Kasakh, Mastara, Talin, Talish, Khor Virap, Odzum Avan, Gayaneh, Hripsimeh and many more.”
Those same falsifications are also though in the schools of Turkey. Another propaganda book is entitled “War Against Azerbaijan” compiled by Kamala Imranli. About this one R. Galichian writes saying:
“The book is full of reversed and untrue claims and statements, which are aimed to misinform and mislead the reader. It even blames the Armenians for starting the conflict between the population of Nagorno-Karabagh and Azerbaijan government forces, conveniently forgetting the Azeri attacks on Sumgait (February 1988) and continuous bombardment of the population of Stepanakert and other towns (from 1989), which started the war. Books of this type can only serve propaganda purposes by aiming to create and instigate animosity between neighboring people by direct geopolitical agitation, disinformation and outright reversal of truth.”
In my opinion the Turks and Azeris are attempting to brainwash their people by presenting falsehood as truth, and are preparing their population for eventual occupation of Armenia (finishing with the Armenians with another genocide during the next global war) and creating a new Turkic nation extending from the Bosporus to the Caspian Sea based on lie. This is their long range plan. Do not ever trust the Turks, they are of their father the evil one who was a liar from the beginning.
Jack Manuelian
Paramus, NJ
a global war might not be a bad thing for armenians..
turkey has historically been allied to chechens, who are enemies of russia. russia has historically been at odds with turks,
kurds are the majority in most villages and towns in western armenia but they lack proper help from a nation with infastructure, army, freedom etc..
nobody prediced 10 years ago there would be a kurdistan but northern iraq is free. armenians could help the kurds and share the spoils with the northern regions going to armenia and southern linking up with north iraq kurdistan (granted van and ararat are ours).
worst case scenario were occupied. the world powers now well aware of the armenian genocide and how tenacious we can be, will prevent it, but i wouldnt count on them still. armenians of all types will be totally united. gamavors from all over will come to armenia. even people ‘on the fence’ will be on board if our only armenia is occupied