“It has been clear for a long time that the policy of denial has no perspectives. By recalling ambassadors, by harshly criticizing those states, organizations, which pay tribute to the memory of 1.5 million innocent victims of the Armenian Genocide, and which are raising their voices against denial for prevention of new crimes against humanity, Turkish authorities find themselves more and more isolated on the sinking boat of denialism,” Nalbandian said.
“Turkey attempts to put pressures, I would say to blackmail international structures, numerous countries. But hardly they can succeed in this regard, maybe with the exception of those countries, where human rights and fundamental freedoms are not respected, where democracy is on shaky ground,” he continued.
The Armenian foreign minister also commented sardonically on Ankara’s decision not to recall its ambassadors from EU member states. “What is the meaning of recalling ambassadors? We remember very well that after each recall they were obliged to send them back. It is the Parliament representing 28 European countries that adopted a resolution yesterday. It is good that Ankara at least realized not to recall their ambassadors from 28 countries. Otherwise that would create a serious unemployment problem for Turkish Ambassadors,” he said.
“The reaction of Turkish authorities is similar to a zugzwang in a chess game, where each of the following steps further worsens a player’s position.
“As the European Parliament resolution states: ‘without truth there can be no reconciliation,’ and I would add that this includes reconciliation with the international community, as well.”
With rats in the boats too….
“…..maybe with the exception of those countries, where human rights and fundamental freedoms are not respected, where democracy is on shaky ground”
Does this not included Russia?
No , it does not include Russia. Nalbandian should shake off his cob webs, and lead his government in more militancy regarding territorial claims, restitution and reparations. Turkey views, in the words of a writer, Armenians in three versions, the good Armenians, those living in turkey who are turkified already, the bad Armenians, constituted by the diaspora for their unrelenting crusade for recognition of the genocide, and the poor Armenians, the state of Armenia. The state needs to start being more belligerent and exposing turkey at ever opportunity. The lands must be returned to the homeland.
It’s time The civilized world understands who is Turkey!