The Restoration Of Our Faith In Christ Is The Assurance To Enter The Kingdom Of Heaven
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”
II Corinthians 5:17
As we approach the New Year with the warmth of the “Light of the Coming” before our God the Creator, and with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we move forward towards the celebration of the great Feast of the Nativity and the revelation of Jesus Christ.
The universe demonstrates the passing of time and the richness of understanding, revealing the magnificence of our Creator God, as articulated by King David in the Psalms. The Bible serves as a sacred text that unveils God to us, the supreme ruler of the heavens and the earth, encompassing both the visible and invisible realms.
The Holy Bible makes a distinction between mankind and the natural world, including materials, plants, and animals. Humans are seen as the pinnacle of creation, made in the image of God with the ability to make choices, think rationally, and possess an immortal soul. However, the first man, Adam, considered to be the ancestor of all humanity, and by his own choice, fell into the abyss of sin, losing his divine status and experiencing a deterioration of his nature. This led to the inheritance of sin for all human beings. As a result, all people were considered sinners from birth due to Adam turning away from God, leading to eternal condemnation for him and all of his descendants.
However, according to the teachings in the Bible, God possesses infinite love and is a merciful deity. Thus, since the beginning of time until now, driven by his powerful love, God has bestowed, looked after, guided, and educated humanity. When the time arrived God sent his only Son to Earth so that his divine plan could be fulfilled. Through Jesus Christ, God reached out to the sinful inhabitants of Earth, offering them a hand in their need for redemption. This act was carried out with the hope that mankind, made in the image of God, would break free from the bonds of sin and be fully restored, ultimately reclaiming the kingdom of heaven. This would signify a return to humanity’s original, intended state, in accordance with God’s plan for salvation.
The Apostle Paul confirms that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, took on human form and entered our world, approaching humanity and encouraging them to embrace the original grace bestowed upon them by God. God respected the free will of mankind, never forcing anything upon them, but inviting them to choose to embrace their humanity once again. This is also the message of Christmas which has been heard for twenty-one centuries, reminding us as followers of Christ to be united in our Christian faith. Through the centuries, we continue to greet each other with the joyful news of “Christ Is Born and Revealed Blessed is the Revelation of Christ.”
In the book of Corinthians, chapter 5, verse 17, we find affirmation that acknowledges the unity of humanity with Christ, which states, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.”
It is through this process of renewal that humans will be brought back to their original state as the pinnacle of creation, fueled by love for God and love for their fellow human beings. In essence, mankind will undergo a transformation by letting go of their ego, selfish pride, and self-centeredness, which have historically led to evils that have risen from them such as Adam and Eve’s selfishness and Cain’s jealousy towards his brother Abel.
The commandment from the Son of God, who entered our world through the miracle of Christmas, to humanity was clear, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” This is the guidance that Christ offers us when he declares, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” Following this path guided by Christ, humanity will find their way back to God and rediscover their original grace and glory in his presence.
The Son of God, through his incarnation, restored the corrupted human nature and took on the role of the new Adam. According to the Apostle Paul in Romans 5:8-19, “Just as through the offense of one man, all men were condemned, so also through the man’s righteous act all men will be made righteous and live. righteous obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous. For as through one man’s disobedience, all men were made sinners, so also through one man’s obedience, all men will be made righteous.”
In the end, the sun in our universe showcases the beauty of nature daily with its glowing rays. It is humanity, with its deviation from its original nature, that obstructs the perfection of this beauty. The birth of the Son of God symbolizes God’s abundant love, serving as a yearly reminder and invitation to mankind, who have strayed into sin, to rejuvenate themselves in Christ and have “more abundance of life,” as preached by Jesus Christ in John 10:10.
With immense joy and warm familial love, we extend our heartfelt greetings to His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Armenian Apostolic Holy Mother Church and the Catholicosate of the Holy See of Cilicia.
With Christian love, we also extend our greetings to the National Assembly of the Western Prelacy, as well as to the Religious and Executive Councils of the Western Prelacy, our community parishes, pastors, Board of Trustees, Western Prelacy bodies, Prelacy Armenian Schools, the Board of Regents and School Boards, teachers, and educators, the media members, national leaders, friends, and benefactors, and our esteemed people, wishing them that the entirety of 2025 will be filled with peace, that divine love will prevail throughout the world, and that humanity will embrace a time of unity and solidarity.
Beloved people, let us start this new year with a deeper faith and a stronger connection to Christ, let us be more compassionate and kind to others so that as a nation, including Armenia and Armenian communities. be deemed even more deserving of God’s grace, resulting in heavenly prosperity and numerous blessings in our national, family, and personal lives. Amen.
Happy New Year and Merry Christmas
With Blessings,
Archbishop Kegham Khacherian, Prelate
Western Prelacy of the United States
New Year and Christmas 2025