The United States of America is a rainbow of different immigrants from different cultures and nationalities. Columbus was the first illegal immigrant to America. America is a blender of white, Asian, black, and brown people and soon we will see tall Armenian young men with black frizzy hair and blue eyes.
I was born in a refugee camp in Lebanon and I have experienced life from the bottom to the top. I experienced the Lebanese Civil War between Christians and Muslims. And I witnessed how young Christian men dragged young Muslim men tied to their jeep.
Donald Trump was born a millionaire and became a billionaire. He doesn’t seem to know or feel anything about poverty, being poor, homelessness and living in fear of being deported.
Religion is at the core of violence and wars. Now we are seeing ISIS killing innocent people by invoking the name of God and beheading Christians and other Muslims.
Some good thoughts Seeroon. The truth is religion is not bad in itself. it’s fanaticism and intolerance that’s the real culprit. Christianity teaches us to love our neighbour, even our enemy! The bible is misquoted by people who say ” money is the root of all evil” The verse in the bible actually says: “the LOVE of money … ” President Trump deserves a chance to carry out his job. He will be judged at the end of his term. His top priority is to put America first. The bible also says “charity begins at home”.
The dragging of Muslims was in retaliation to all they did to Christians you conveniently left that out.
Also, why aren’t these Muslims going to other Muslim countries? Saudi Arabia has tons of tents totally vacant they can use for their ‘brothers & sisters’. Why does America have to continue with its liberal open door policy? No thanks. There’s the rest of the world also.
Interesting I don’t remember ever seeing this kind of outrage or protests for Christians who were being massacred all throughout the Middle East. And for that matter where is the liberal outrage and rallying cry for Armenians every year during April!? I hope you are this vocal for the concerns of our own people! The genocide of Armenian Christians still hasn’t been acknowledged after over 100 years and you are wasting your time writing op-ed pieces about the rights of muslims. Akhberis please wake up! look at France and Germany’s immigration policy, thier countries are being taken over by Islam. and now they are paying the price no thank you is right. Far too long Americans have embraced islam and been pre occupied with thier feelings and sentiments while our own feeling and sentiments have been ignored. Well that is over now. Is it any surprise that the 7 countries that have been temporarily halted and who pose an obvious threat to the west are muslim majority countries? Who’s fault is that? Do you see an influx of Christian refugees perpetrating terroristic acts and honor killings across the globe? The answer is no. The comparison to the violent teaching of muhammad to give ones life while murdering others in order to continue islams agenda. The Merciful teaching of Our Lord Jesus who rather than selfishly require jihad on our part but actually gave his own life as a ransom for us is quite the contrast! Coming from an Armenian I am shocked and ashamed really . Merkh eh! I am so pleased to read the right responses to this article written here. God bless you all continue to speak the truth In love in love. Sincerely a proud Christian Armenian
-Arman Kaymakcian