For decades the Armenian Engineers and Scientists of America has been engaged in efforts to advance science and technology both in Armenia and in the Diaspora. From sponsoring and shepherding science fairs in Armenian schools to engaging in elevating Armenia’s scientific capabilities, the organizations has brought together experts in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics to elevate awareness in the community and to enhance potential in Armenia.
At the start of the new year, the AESA’s president, Richard Ohanian, appealed to the community to engage in STEM and, through collaborative efforts, help Armenia, Artsakh and the Diaspora.
Below is the text of Ohanian’s letter.
2020 was a challenging year for all of humanity, especially for Armenians around the world. One of the main lessons learned in the past year is that Armenians must prioritize advancements in science, technology, engineering and mathematics if Armenia is to survive and thrive in the future as an independent and viable nation-state. To that end, Armenian Engineers and Scientists of America, AESA, is bound to become one of the main enablers of realizing such a vision for the Armenian trans-nation.

AESA’s mission is to enable and empower an Armenian STEM Community worldwide to reach its fullest potential and to facilitate progress through STEM education, collaboration, and humanitarian initiatives in Armenia, Artsakh and the Diasporas. We envision AESA to be the leading platform for enabling the Armenian STEM Community worldwide to network and address global challenges through innovative solutions and to foster a world where Armenian STEM professionals are empowered, enabled, and influential. We are building a future upon our values of scientific rigor and endeavor, innovation, teamwork and collaboration, mentorship, integrity, accountability and transparency as well as diversity in disciplines, age, and gender.
Our long-term goals include transforming AESA into a 21st century global organization and becoming a role model for professional organizations in the Armenian nation-state, creating a strong community of Armenian STEM professionals, worldwide, implementing high-impact/high-value STEM-based projects and initiatives in Armenia, Artsakh and the Diasporas, attracting youth towards STEM, registering hundreds of new AESA members, and lastly, creating a strong AESA presence across all online platforms and media.
To that end, we are institutionalizing AESA by creating permanent programs such as the AESA STEM Academy, AESA STEM Conference and Expo, AESA Leadership and Entrepreneurship Academy, and the AESA Advanced Research and Development Program. These initiatives will enable AESA to better utilize its resources on programs that are aligned with organization’s vision, mission, and long-term goals.
These initiatives will advance science, technology, engineering and mathematics if Armenia, Artsakh and the Diasporas. For example, through AESA Advanced R&D Program, we will foster and enable STEM-based projects in Armenia and Artsakh by analyzing, prioritizing, and funding high-impact and high-value STEM projects in our homeland.
AESA STEM Conference and Expo shall return during the second half of the year, either in virtual or in-person format. These hallmark events bring together STEM researchers, faculties, students and professionals in Armenia and the Diasporas to share their work and knowledge in their respective fields.
AESA will mobilize its resources in establishing research centers, think-tanks, technology startup accelerators and incubators in Armenia, Artsakh and the Diasporas. AESA has formed a strategic alliance with Yerevan-based Smartgate VC to establish HeroHouse Glendale that will house Glendale Accelerator. HeroHouse Glendale is destined to become a regional tech hub/center in Glendale. AESA HQ has relocated its offices and operations to HeroHouse Glendale and we plan on organizing our post-covid activities in the new location.
AESA membership grew threefold during last year and we strive to continue that trend in 2021 by actively promoting the registration of AESA branches in various universities, cities, and states. Talks are on the way to establish STEM based associations in Canada, Australia, Europe and the Middle East as well. To that end, we plan on performing strategic planning towards the end of 2021 to sharpen our strategic and technical decision-making processes, revisit our long-term goals, better align our resources, and define key performance indicators to measure our progress.
With all our resources, Armenian Engineers and Scientists of America is committed to the advancements of science, technology, engineering and mathematics in the Armenian trans-nation. We are inviting all scientists, engineers, technologists, and investors to join our efforts by contacting us contact@aesa.org
Richard Ohanian
President, AESA