LOS ANGELES —The Armenian National Committee of America-Western Region visited Los Angeles City Hall on March 7 to meet with Councilmember David Ryu and his staff. The ANCA delegation was comprised of board members from the ANCA Hollywood and ANCA San Fernando Valley East chapters, along with representatives of the ANCA Western Region.
Councilmember David Ryu represents Los Angeles’ Fourth District, which encompases the Sherman Oaks and Toluca Lake neighborhoods in the Eastern San Fernando Valley and Los Feliz and other neighborhoods adjacent to Little Armenia, Hollywood.
The ANCA delegation and Councilmember Ryu discussed a variety of topics pertaining to the Armenian-American community and district residents in general. Among the topics discussed were collaborating with the Councilmember on community cleanup efforts, neighborhood safety, and support of Armenian non-profits and youth groups who operate in the Council district, particularly in regards to securing use of sports and other facilities for youth activities.
“The meeting with Councilmember Ryu not only gave us an opportunity to highlight concerns of the Armenian community in his district but to energize, strengthen and solidify our relationship with his office. The Councilmember expressed a genuine commitment in working closely with the ANCA on issues of concern to the Armenian community. We look forward to a more synergistic collaboration with his office in the future,” said ANCA Hollywood Co-Chairwoman Lara Yeretsian.
ANCA San Fernando Valley East Chairman Levon Baronian, who participated in the meeting, stated, “We are grateful for our continued relationship with Councilmember Ryu. He has been a willing supporter of our activities in the past and we look forward to increased cooperation with him and his staff in working toward the realization of our common goals.”
Councilmember David Ryu, who is the first Korean-American to be elected to the Los Angeles City Council, emphasized his and his office’s commitment to diversity in his staff, which includes an Armenian-American. Ryu also expressed interest in visiting local Armenian institutions such as schools and community centers in the near future to become better acquainted with their activities and members.
Also in attendance at the meeting were ANCA-WR Boardmember Anahid Oshagan, ANCA Hollywood Co-Chairman Paul Seradarian and boardmember Joe Kahraman along with ANCA San Fernando Valley Boardmember and ANCA-WR Government Relations Director Serob Abrahamian.
With chapters throughout the State of California and in over a dozen other western states, the ANCA-WR works in cooperation with its national headquarters in Washington, DC, and its Eastern Region counterpart in Boston, to promote the concerns of Armenian Americans.