WATERTOWN, Mass.—The Armenian Review recently received a grant from the Gulbenkian Foundation of Portugal to support its project to digitize the entire Armenian Review collection, from 1948 to the present, in an effort to promote preservation and accessibility. The goal of the digitization project is to allow readers and researchers keyword searchable online access to every article published in the journal’s nearly 200 issues.
The grant of $12,000, coupled with another donation of $5,000 from a generous private donor, will defray a major portion of the digitization costs that will create an online index and a searchable database of the Armenian Review, the leading journal of Armenian studies, which has published peer-reviewed articles and book reviews on Armenian history, sociology, political science, and literature.
“The editorial team is excited by this new opportunity provided by the Gulbenkian Foundation. It will help us get closer to our goal of establishing a digital footprint and make the Review available for online researchers. That being said, the challenge is bigger now for the journal to develop and organize its digital archive by updating its web platform, preparing abstracts for each articles published since 1948, and generating a solid plan to further expand its accessibility and overall operations in the coming years,” said Asbed Kotchikian, the editor-in-chief.
Allowing researchers from across the country and around the world to use these materials remotely will greatly ease the process of writing books and articles in the future. For instance, a historian in Armenia—which had no access to the Review under Soviet rule—will be able to access 65 years of academic studies on his or her computer. More broadly, the promotion of the Review’s online access will increase the visibility of Armenian studies in scholarly research and discourse.
The most recent issue of the Armenian Review contains Rouben Shougarian’s assessment of Turkish-Armenian Track I and II diplomacies. In another article, Albert Stepanyan reexamines and analyzes sections from Moses Khorenatsi’s History of the Armenians. The third and fourth pieces are a dialogue between Taner Akçam, and Uğur Ümit Üngör and Mehmet Polatel. The dialogue starts with a review essay by Akçam examining and critiquing Üngör’s and Polatel’s book Confiscation and Destruction: The Young Turk Seizure of Armenian Property. The issue also features book reviews and a review essay by Levon Chorbajian, who reviewed four books dealing with the Armenian Genocide and its aftermath.
The current issue of the Armenian Review may be ordered by itself or as part of a subscription to the journal from its website, www.armenianreview.org. All subscription, order, and renewal inquiries should be addressed to the publisher by either writing to the Armenian Review, Inc., 80 Bigelow Avenue, Watertown, MA 02472-2012; by e-mailing orders@armenianreview.org; or by calling (617) 926-4037. Individuals who would like to contribute to the digitization project may e-mail editor@armenianreview.org.
Calouste Sarkis Gulbenkian,a very shrewd oil man,who acted as a catalyst,for getting all the disloyal partners of the oil group in Iraq..He was given 5%,of the profits.the richest man in the world.He bribed the Turkish governors,with peanuts,owned 52% of the turkish petroleum co. jerky turkey controlled Iraq. at that time..From peanuts to a billionaire in the 1920’s….No wonder the jerks(turks) are mad…How stupid can you be…REAL STUPID…..